SHIFT the way you think about walls.

Our wall and POD solutions are fully customizable, integrated systems designed to fit seamlessly into your space. And let’s be honest, they look really cool too.


Adapt. Change. Evolve.

Yesterday it was glass, today it’s a whiteboard, tomorrow it’s a storage solution. Our walls and PODs allow for quick, easy changes without messy construction, added waste, or downtime. Our array of wall lines can be integrated and reconfigured to meet whatever needs your workplace has at any time. And the best part: our walls and PODs are mobile. So, you can SHIFT them within your space and take them with you wherever you go.


It’s All in the Details

Whether you want your walls and PODs to blend subtly into your office or add a pop of color, you can customize our architectural interiors to enhance the look and feel of your space. When it comes to the fine finishes, we’ll work with you to find exactly what you’re looking for.

The Sound of Silence

A peaceful space to make a call, hold a meeting, get some work done, or just take a breath. With industry-best STC ratings, our systems provide acoustic superiority to traditional methods, so you can be sure that your quiet time is quiet and your private conversations stay confidential.


Technically, these walls can do almost anything.

Custom tablet docks, integration with 3rd party security providers, and superior power and data distribution are just the start. Designed with a minimal profile and contemporary finishes, our technology components fit discreetly into our walls and PODs without compromising aesthetic.

Go for the Green

Did you know that 75% of traditional construction and demolition waste is landfilled, with 26% of that waste being drywall​? Our walls & PODs are made from recyclable materials and are LEED certified. Our solutions are designed to be reconfigured and reused multiple times with virtually no materials going to landfill, and for ease of disassembly for separating materials at end-of-life recycling.


Want to learn more about how Teknion walls are made?

From a glass factory to a custom wood shop, Teknion’s vertical manufacturing sets the organization apart from the competition by having full control over the process. Take a look inside some of Teknion’s “focused factories”.